2 out of 3 Semesters
Sunset at Newcastle University. Photograph by Luke Leung.
How time flew by in a blink of an eye. I would like to thank everyone that has read my blogs. Each topic I have chosen to write has been a personal interest of mine and I hope those of you that have read find the information valuable.
Semester 2 is drawing to the end. Just as I began to settle and find my flow in balancing workload in this semester, my cohorts and I were tasked with two design modules and the prosect of beginning our design thesis. Luckily, blogging in this semester has been enlightening and has provide me the opportunity to expand on key topics of my interest throughout my study.
Growth part II
All things considered, I am still learning to communicate in writing because I am not principally the most comfortable with words. But I find myself having more confidence and compelling to share my writing and in creating appropriate diagrams and illustration that help explain and more appealing with the readers throughout this semester blogging experience. This enchanted my opportunity to develop my personal style in both graphical and literature skills, which will be most beneficial in the upcoming last semester where I hope to continue to blog.
Blogging for me, combine both academic and design thinking. Therefore, I would dedicate time into researching key topic within my project and then reapply + link into the design as written record of my thinking. This blog is consequently my online journey extending my design thinking in literature term.
Key Learning
In my blog posts, I started with Working cities – Newcastle & Gateshead as this topic highlighted the current ongoing issues with UK housing and how it appropriately tight in with Housing Alternative module concept. This helped me identify aims and objectives toward my theme, Intergenerational living. Whereby, my second blog this semester unfolds what it means for Age-Friendly Space. Especially considerations with ageing communities and how each component of urban realm need to be planned retrospectively. Again, elements emphasised in the blog can be found in my design. Greening urban design also contribute with the functionality of ages in neighbourhood. How greenery need to be purposeful rather than open space with no activity. It was during my recent travel to Paris, it was noticeable how Paris as a city contribute greening throughout the cityscape.
Speaking of which spatial practice and inactive space need to be organically unravelled, and sometime require some sort of engagement. However, because we only had one semester for Housing Alternative it was not feasible to conduct community engagement. Fortunately, AUP (Architecture and Urban Planning) coordinated Fenham Parliament 1 that discuses Fenham future through alternative practice. As a former AUP student, it was wonderful to see how Co-Producing Space has developed. Personally, it is with social interaction urban designer, architects, planners and government official can understand each other.
Blogging for 2 semester now has undoubtedly improved my literature and graphical skills. Therefore, I will continue to develop my writing skills including critical thinking, passive voice and communication for the audiences. Finally, there are still topic which I would like to explore so the blog will continue to be my online journal to document my thinking in the field of urban realm.