A thoughtful approach
A novel learning experience
I was both delighted and apprehensive when I initially noticed the blog course because this would be my first try at writing a blog. Furthermore, I had no notion how to create a fascinating blog or article. I spent my time gathering information and crafting the language for my first blog article. My gratitude goes to Luke, my instructor. He demonstrated during class how to add the front cover and title, the two of which are still difficult for newbies. When I write essays, I feel as if I’m missing the point. Based on what I’ve learned this semester, I can see how tough it is to keep such online blogs updated. The majority of my logic as the semester came to a close. However the process of collecting books additionally assist in helping me focus.
Difficulties and Inspiration
This blogging stuff is completely new to me. I felt accomplished when I finished. Everyone, in my perspective, has a different number of first experiences. This semester, blogging is both a course and an obligation that I must complete. But I have learned that keeping a blog additionally taught me patience. I might have not had the stamina to finish writing or it may have required a long time. Even though I arrived to Newcastle nearly four months prior and finished phase one, I continue to feel as if I was worried if I would be able to complete this when I first arrived. I had never been bored of posting written content in a forum on the internet related to my area of study, so establishing a blog was an entirely novel endeavor for me. In terms of learning through blogging. This semester has been quite useful to me, in my opinion. Work helped me organize my thoughts and reach conclusions, whilst reading other people’s work extended my horizons and provided me with fresh ideas.
blogging has greatly improved my understanding of urban design by permitting me to express my clever opinions and research discoveries. It has also helped me with the design process, since I have used important ideas from articles that were written by my pals on a variety of themes. By providing comprehensive analyses, case studies and encourage its constant growth and development throughout the urban design community.
A memorable Experience
Overall, this blogging program has enhanced my ability to write and my analytical skills, as well as given me more confidence to express myself and talk with others. It was an excellent test of my abilities, and I learnt a lot from it. I will make all efforts to continue learning in this manner and to improve my work completion the next semester.