Can sustainable housing meet the UK’s Ambitious Delivery Goals?
Posted on 3 December 2024 by Catia Martins
With the Labour Party’s rise to power, the UK has been promised the deliverance of 1.5 million new homes over the next parliament while facing unprecedented challenges such as climate crisis and a growing social inequality (The Planner, 2024). Although admirable, can the balance between quantity and quality, speed and sustainability truly be achieved? We’ll Read the full article...
An Attempt at an Idealistic Urban Vision
Posted on 15 December 2022 by Runzi Lu
The Brasilia of North How The Skywalk Was Formed According to a study by Murphy, D. (2016) presentation A century ago, as cars began to take over the streets, 3D separation became part of the fundamental vision for the city of the future, not only in the illustrations of popular science magazines, but also in Read the full article...
The Elephant in the room.
Posted on 21 May 2022 by Muhammad Ogunniyi
A political affair Urban politics, synonymous to national politics determines how resources are allocated in a city and by extension those whom are served. Government programs perform a crucial role in establishing the welfare of its people. In many countries, national governments make policies that directly affect local authorities who will then transmit and interpret Read the full article...