Looking back..

Looking back on semester 2, I was able to be more confident in sharing my idea compared to the first semester. The tutorials that were placed every week with my peers and tutors made me build up my thoughts and read a lot of literature in the process. Through those time, I found out I developed one step further. I would like to say thank you and congratulations to our peers for what we have done so far.
Although this blogging experience has been done quite a casual way, I was expected to use this opportunity to widen and develop my interests throughout the semester. In particular, the given readings in Housing Alternatives (ARC8069) module encourage me to discuss the basic idea of community design and Mainstreaming toward urban trends. Naturally, it leads me to seek more academic base knowledge. Furthermore, I found blogging this semester was easier in terms of selecting topics since we had so many events during the semester such as a field trip, making models for 2 different sites, and preparing our design thesis. we were able to broaden our ideas using those events.
While we were spending so much time in the studio, making physical models for various scales from 1:500 to 1:200. For instance, In the Baseline stage of the use of the design codes(APL8014) module, we had to produce a base model, size 2*A0. It was quite challenging not only because the size was massive but It has to be worked with the team. Communication skill was required as well as software skills such as AutoCAD, Sketchup, and Laser cutting machine. We distributed the tasks based on what each person could do, and we were able to efficiently complete the base model in time.
In addition, managing time was another challenge since this course has been scheduled quite tight. I had to make a to-do list every week to avoid forgetting important tasks within deadlines and to manage priorities. As a result, it was a very helpful method to keep me up with an awareness of upcoming tasks. Although I was not able to post the last blog in time, I believe I could meet my time management goal in the next semester.
Overall, It is clear that this blog activity has had a good influence on my reading and writing skills. Although I still struggle to bring my thoughts in a critical way, this process has helped me and brought many beneficial impacts as well. I believe blogging is a good way of learning topics that I might need to explore, and developing skills. I hope I can formulate my opinions better next semester.