My steps towards Urban waterside Regeneration
I have worked on many different various kinds of design projects during my bachelor’s as an architect. Now, as a masters prospect I have worked on projects which majorly dealt with housing or mixed-use spaces. I always wanted to work on public open spaces and topics covering community engagement and adaptive use of open spaces for users. After some careful consideration and research, I decided to work on urban waterside regeneration, though I have previously worked on an urban regeneration case which is a group work module. I wanted to do something of that scale for my design thesis. Following in this article is a brief of my proposal.
Fig 1 Image of Quay side, Newcastle upon Tyne(Vinuthna Singareddy,2021)
Public open spaces are given as a stimulus for urban renewal in many waterside cities. Over the last few decades, many industrial cities have been given a new urban vision to create appealing environments. Most of the urban areas are generally built along rivers and streams, which have conventionally been used for navigation, electricity, sewage disposal, and garbage disposal.
One of the fastest expanded and expanding segments of the development industry in the United Kingdom have been the renovation of dock areas. Because of the various trades and styles of development, dock areas have had a variety of personalities throughout history. Different shapes and sizes of water regions, diverse types of buildings and structures, and different treatment of the water’s edge reflect these disparities. This type of development is unlike any other urban form, which is one of the reasons why developers are drawn to it.
Fig 2 Image of a guide plan near Titanic Museum, Belfast (Vinuthna Singareddy,2021)
Despite the support provided to waterside development initiatives, several projects have fallen or failed and are currently failing to live up to their promises. As a reaction, substantial developments are undertaken in places such as Sheffield, Manchester, Birmingham, and Dundee, which feature combined recreational and shopping attractions, have struggled to raise funds, whereas those who have begun are struggling to attract people.
Aims and Objectives:
My aim is to revive and regenerate a waterside area in any post industrial cities with culture and community-led regeneration. With a few objectives like: list and analyse the issues of waterside developments over past few years; to create a sustainable, accessible public open spaces; community & culture-led regeneration; adaptive reuse of the listed buildings; consider aesthetic, functional, spatial and temporal components of a development.