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“Rebirth” a new lease on life

Mining factory

Coal and mine are one of the most important resources in the world.It can work in different fields of life,such as generate for heat and electricity,construction, manufacture and so on.In some terms that these resources are essential in our daily life.Meanwhile these kinds of resources are rich in storage worldwide so that the global government spared their efforts for mining from ancient to now.

With the long-term mining and over-mining from the earth,various kinds problems have companied with mining field like enviromental problem and healthy problem.These problems could be harmful human’s health.Also during the long-term mining, some mining factories have been abandoned becasue all mines in this area have been mined all and no more resources here.That means this factories has no value anymore.The abandoned factories also become the problem need to be dealt.

Germany is a famous industrialized countries.There are a geat numbers of mining factories sited in Germany espacially in Metropolregion Ruhr.Rhur is a typical traditional industrial region and is known as the “heart of German industry.”Nowadays some factories have been abandoned and most of them have been redeisgned to be landscape project which could solve that mentioned problems before with existing abandoned sites.

The world’s ‘most beautiful coal mine’

With more slag heaps than scenic villages, more factory chimneys than castles, Germany’s Ruhr region isn’t an obvious travel destination – at least at first glance.Germany’s Ruhr region was the country’s industrial heartland for decades, before its coal and steel trades slumped in the second half of the 20th century.Nowadays, old mining and manufacturing sites still dominate the landscape. But, thanks to some creative transformations, many have become visitor attractions.With stars architects involved, the surroundings are as intriguing as the exhibits.

Colliery trestle at Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site.Colliery trestle at Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site. Figure 1 and 2:The Hunger Games and the world’s ‘most beautiful coal mine’: Why you should visit Germany’s Ruhr,Available at: September 2023)


Dortmund-Huckarde holds a relic of days gone by, offering fascinating insights into the history of heavy industry during the last century. The Hansa Coking Plant is one of the anchor points on the Industrial Heritage Trail, which connects the region’s major industrial heritage sites. The coking plant is now a listed building and invites visitors to take an exciting trip through its past history.

The outdoor areas of the Hansa Coking Plant have been re-conquered by nature during the years following its decommissioning: wild flowers and plants have made their home here, including exotic examples of flora and fauna. This not only allows visitors the opportunity to admire the coking plant’s unique architecture and enjoy an educational museum experience,but also to relax in the natural surrounds. Athletic endeavours are also available at the site of the coking plant: the old turbo compressor building has been converted into a large climbing hall.

Figure 3,4 and 5:HANSA COK­ING PLANT IN DORTMUND The in­dus­tri­al monu­ment dat­ing from 1928 of­fers in­sights in­to coal and coke min­ing work.Available at:,also%20obtained%20from%20these%20processes.(Accessed:17 May 2024)


The Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex was awarded the designation of UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001, and is one of the most impressive industrial monuments on the planet. Since the final working shift in 1986, Zollverein has been transformed into a prime site for the art, culture and creative sectors, attracting more than two million visitors a year. This building symbolises the structural change in the Ruhr metropolis like no other.Pre­vi­ously the site of toils, today Zollver­ein of­fers in­dus­tri­al cul­ture at its best: art, con­certs, fest­ivals and sport­ing op­por­tun­it­ies set against an im­press­ive back­drop.


Figure 6,7 and 8:UN­ESCO WORLD HER­IT­AGE SITE ZOLLVER­EIN From in­dus­tri­al site to UN­ESCO World Her­it­age Site.Available at: May 2024)


By learning these precedents of redesign abandoned mining sites,they could be inspiration for my design thesis.While abandoned mining sites have some strong connection to our daily life,environment and health.Because the process of mining could bring different problems which most of them could effects out daily life and health.Dealing mining problems in some terms is to make our health,our life better in the future.Nowadays more and more mining factories have been abandoned due to lack resources.Redesign mining sites has become the tendency in landscape field.

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Planning and Landscape
Newcastle upon Tyne
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