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Reflective summary-My experience of being a blogger.

This year, it was the first time I came to the UK, the first time I went to school at 3am to print my portfolio, and the first time I felt like I couldn’t finish my homework at school. Although I was very tired every day, I gradually began to enjoy my life here and learnt a lot.

Went to build a snowman at the end of the last course night of the first semester (Photography from Ziyu Wang)

First Impression

The first time I came across blog writing was very new to me and totally different from the domestic course. After the initial excitement, I couldn’t help but become concerned about how to write a blog, how this website works.

The first challenge was narrowing down the two titles that piqued my interest from the many lecture subjects. And then to complete the post according to the titles within the limited time. As a result of the weekly classroom lectures, I believe there are some topics that appear to be dull on the surface but are truly informative and intriguing. The actual topic I chose was very different from my perception of it. But, thankfully, through the teacher’s explanations in class, reading the lecture materials, and reading other students’ blogs, I gradually got a rough idea- what I wanted to blog about, how to write about the chosen topic critically, and how to communicate and share my own ideas with other people on the platform.

Challenges Encountered And Challenges Overcome

So I have always been thankful to my teachers and lecturers because they have challenged me and made me grow. I have always felt that it is not a bad thing. I find a challenge is hard because I am capable of completing it, although it may take a long time. For me, I am very interested in sustainability and mental health in programming. Because I reside in a city with a poor environment and was once ranked first in China for haze, I am concerned about issues such as environmental quality and mental health.

One of the challenges of writing the post was how to express the importance of developing sustainable transport. Luckily, in one of the lectures this semester, the lecturer encouraged us to go back in time and analyse the evolution of history. This analysis of the past allows us to be able to predict the future through our actions in the present. Therefore one of my blogs is a survey of past and present resources to draw out my point. In addition, the wealth of literature in online libraries has helped me a lot.

My Progress

Writing a blog allows me to communicate my personal opinions in a variety of ways. And it could potentially apply to my other classes as well. On a more detailed level, it has also helped me improve my writing, such as utilising less passive voice and reducing lines, though not flawlessly. Writing a good blog necessitates a great deal of attention to detail, which has helped me develop my patience and increase my literary research abilities. It also gets me eager to write future blogs.

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School of Architecture
Planning and Landscape
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tyne and Wear, NE1 7RU

Telephone: 0191 208 6509
