Very good attempt and informative.
In the context of urban development, the idea of a sustainable city marks a significant turning point towards the creation of resilient, habitable and ecologically friendly urban settings Sustainable practices are becoming more and more important as cities throughout the world struggle with the tremendous urbanization that is occurring. Reducing carbon footprints is a top priority in sustainable cities, which are achieved through effective public transit networks, large green areas and environmentally friendly building techniques. These cities seek to strike a balance between social inclusion, environmental protection and economic prosperity.
Integrating green infrastructure such as rain gardens, urban forests and green roofs is essential to sustainable urban development because it reduces the impact of the urban heat island effect and manages stormwater in an environmentally friendly manner. Sustainable communities also prioritize developing bike and pedestrian-friendly districts, which lessens dependency on automobiles and lower greenhouse gas emissions while also enhancing air quality.
A further fundamental tenet of sustainable urban development is inclusion and equity. It promotes a feeling to guarantee that all inhabitants, regardless of financial position, have access to cheap housing, recreational opportunities and basic services.
When one considers the significance of sustainable cities, it is evident that they are a means of achieving healthier, livelier and more resilient communities as well as a reaction to environmental problems. In order to ensure that cities can prosper both now and in the future, the shift to sustainable urban development calls for thorough planning, creative regulations ad active engagement from all stakeholders.
1. Keith, M., Birch, E., Buchoud, N.J.A., Cardama, M., Cobbett, W., Cohen, M., Elmqvist, T., Espey, J., Hajer, M., Hartmann, G., Matsumoto, T., Parnell, S., Revi, A., Roberts, D.C., Saiz, E., Schwanen, T., Seto, K.C., Tuts, R. & Van Der Pütten, M. (2022) A new urban narrative for sustainable development. [Online] [online]. Available from:
2. Wittwer, S., Hofer, K. & Kaufmann, D. (2023) An urban take on sustainable development policies and corresponding positioning strategies. [Online] [online]. Available from:
What defines a sustainable city?
The sustainable city is, in essence, the development by the human and local community of how they create and use the places in the city. In addition, a sustainable city is one that addresses social, environmental, and economic impacts via urban planning and change. Furthermore, Goal 11 of the United Nations’ SDGs aims to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable”. [1].
According to a World Bank report, however, they say that cities require sound leadership.In addition, they need built development and fiscal responsibility to deliver four outcomes. Additionally, these outcomes include robust economic growth, natural resource conservation, greenhouse gas (GHG) release reduction, and fostering accessibility. Moreover, this can be achieved by reducing poverty.
A sustainable city may have affordable housing , public green areas, walkable streets, and equitable access to health care, education, and employment opportunities. and also a when city are grow so at that time they need human and worker so the job opportunities are more so spaces will be new and grow. this are the example of some picture so how to development the city in to city.
Benefits of Greener Cities
- Additionally, greener cities provide many benefits. Here are a few crucial advantages to consider.
- Less pollution and traffic
- More peace, less worry.
- Conservation of biodiversity.
- Locally made food
- Growth in real estate valuation
- Stronger links with local communities
- Cooler atmosphere.
1. Access to public resources.
Additionally, sustainable cities assist citizens in achieving sustainability in their daily lives by offering access to public assets. Additionally, this might include places of recreation, such as parks and community centers, libraries, museums, health clinics, rubbish collection services, and public transportation options. Initiatives like communications, insurance, and information technology centers help to stimulate health care and the economy, so supporting the “people” and “profit” pillars of sustainability.

figure 01-https://greennovte infrastructure to develop the city
2. Green Public Spaces
Additionally, it’s widely known that parks, lakes, and tree-lined avenues can provide a pleasant escape from the city’s bustle and throng. Green spaces are not only beneficial to public health, particularly mental and physical health, but they also assist to reduce pollution and encourage biodiversity. However, urban farms and community gardens may provide a neighborhood with fresh organic fruit and flowers.

figure 03-
3. Green Architecture
Buildings account for around 34% of global energy use, according to the United Nations Environment Programme. Therefore, consequently, this is a significant statistic that highlights the need for greater energy efficiency in the construction and operation of buildings. [4]. Consequently, what’s the solution? Green buildings minimize carbon emissions while also saving money on power and water costs. Ultimately, green architecture benefits builders in the long run by reducing expenses and offering tax incentives.

figure 04-
4. Water conservation
While these locations are vulnerable to natural disasters, particularly as climate change worsens the situation, water conservation methods such as rainwater collecting and green infrastructure (wetlands restoration) can assist communities in maximizing natural resources along the sea.

figure 02-
This is the best example in the world of sustainable city development, and they are also working on traffic solutions and some of the green infrastructure, green buildings, and green ways. This is a nice way to develop the city, and the city is growing faster than you think, and they need some regulations for the development so that the buildings and streets can be used sustainably. In conclusion This are the example of the city in new development in world wide.
Most sustainable cities in the world
1. Oslo
2. Stockholm
3. Tokyo
4. Copenhagen
5. Berlin
6. London
7. Seattle
8. Paris
9. San Francisco
10. Amsterdam

figure 06 https;//

figure 06 https;//
figure 06 https;//

figure 07, https;//
Very good attempt and informative.
In the context of urban development, the idea of a sustainable city marks a significant turning point towards the creation of resilient, habitable and ecologically friendly urban settings Sustainable practices are becoming more and more important as cities throughout the world struggle with the tremendous urbanization that is occurring. Reducing carbon footprints is a top priority in sustainable cities, which are achieved through effective public transit networks, large green areas and environmentally friendly building techniques. These cities seek to strike a balance between social inclusion, environmental protection and economic prosperity.
Integrating green infrastructure such as rain gardens, urban forests and green roofs is essential to sustainable urban development because it reduces the impact of the urban heat island effect and manages stormwater in an environmentally friendly manner. Sustainable communities also prioritize developing bike and pedestrian-friendly districts, which lessens dependency on automobiles and lower greenhouse gas emissions while also enhancing air quality.
A further fundamental tenet of sustainable urban development is inclusion and equity. It promotes a feeling to guarantee that all inhabitants, regardless of financial position, have access to cheap housing, recreational opportunities and basic services.
When one considers the significance of sustainable cities, it is evident that they are a means of achieving healthier, livelier and more resilient communities as well as a reaction to environmental problems. In order to ensure that cities can prosper both now and in the future, the shift to sustainable urban development calls for thorough planning, creative regulations ad active engagement from all stakeholders.
1. Keith, M., Birch, E., Buchoud, N.J.A., Cardama, M., Cobbett, W., Cohen, M., Elmqvist, T., Espey, J., Hajer, M., Hartmann, G., Matsumoto, T., Parnell, S., Revi, A., Roberts, D.C., Saiz, E., Schwanen, T., Seto, K.C., Tuts, R. & Van Der Pütten, M. (2022) A new urban narrative for sustainable development. [Online] [online]. Available from:
2. Wittwer, S., Hofer, K. & Kaufmann, D. (2023) An urban take on sustainable development policies and corresponding positioning strategies. [Online] [online]. Available from: