Designing Healthier Neighborhoods

To begin with, the way a neighborhood designed has big impact on how healthy and happy its people are. Over the years, there have been a lot of studies carried out regarding the effects of neighborhood design on health and well-being. Meanwhile, major health challenges including premature death, poor physical and mental health and health Read the full article…

Community Sanctuaries: How Public Spaces Influenced Well-being

Public spaces are the beating heart of our communities, serving as essential hubs for social interaction, leisure, and contemplation. Not to mentioned the well-designed public spaces. Figure 1. Domino Park is a privately-owned public space in Brooklyn, developed by real estate firm Two Trees Management. (Harrouk, 2019) They are more than just physical objects; they Read the full article…

Greening urban design: A place to live in nature

Rewilding. Photograph by Luke Leung Greening urban design As cities around the world grow, it is curial to consider the impact these spaces have on nature and ecosystem. Furthermore, how greenery affect our health and wellbeing. Building greenery can be more inclusive, including among streetscape and urban neighbourhoods. People of all ages and the spaces Read the full article…

The what’s of Transition spaces!!

What are transition spaces ? The forces behind the creation of any space are careful consideration of context and its surroundings, along with community needs. These spaces are designed to serve a specific purpose and are articulated in accordance with the connectivity and privacy requirements of each space. However, there are different kinds of spaces Read the full article…

Do we design urban?

        Some of the viewers of this post may be still trying to figure out what exactly Urban design is as I used to do. Then, this is the right place for you to explore it! After this post, I hope you will find clearer boundaries between Urban and design as well Read the full article…