Published by Georgina Walker on 28 March 2024
Getting Started
Throughout the semester the module has focussed on self-directed meetings, peer-reviewing blogs, academic insights and gaining experience with the use of a short form content method of academic expression.
As a MArch student, I have thoroughly enjoyed gaining knowledge and experience in urban design at Newcastle University. Understanding the urban environment is critical in creating successful architectural proposals, therefore, incorporating this module into my architectural career was essential in my development.
Student Led Experience
At the start of the semester, we were briefed on the importance of self-motivation, self-management, and the expected levels of activity on the Urban Design Blogs website. During this meeting, I joined the sub-group allocated to manage and produce the blogging schedule for the rest of the cohort.
Whilst the initial participation within the group was low due to the understandable nerves and anticipation amongst the group, this transitioned into motivation to produce a schedule that could be flexible enough for each student to allocate themselves a topic of personal interest for the blogs around their personal and educational restrictions.
This use of student led organisation was successful and contributed to my development of co-creational skills, creativity, quick thinking, and presentational skills as I was able to deliver this proposal concisely to the rest of the cohort in short notice as the designated presenter of the group.
Personal Blogging Experience
The self-managed blogging schedule created, in theory, reflects the practices of self-management and self-reflection in the professional world. Due to personal reasons, this method of scheduling became invaluable to me as my situation meant that a deferral was necessary for my overall submission and my blogging experience was extended.
Being able to adapt to my changing circumstances whilst continuing the meet the module brief is a skill I believe I have successfully showcased within this submission, and it will continue to benefit me in my personal and academic growth.
The strategies I employed to achieve this included reviewing a personal extended blogging schedule and reflecting on the initial student led meetings to develop my research, communication and writing skills. I also worked on ensuring I was interacting with a range of topics to develop my knowledge and personal autonomy within urban design.
Moving Forward
In the spirit of urban design as a lifelong learning career, I believe blogging as a short form delivery method for exploring research, reflection, and practice is extremely valuable in an increasingly digital world.
However, I believe my learnings on delivering concise arguments and being responsive to critical academic debates around topics could be further developed within the module through student led PechaKucha style presentations alongside the blogging. In theory, this may reflect the professional environment where design proposals and arguments are shared in real time in-person meetings with clients, colleagues, and other professionals.
Moving forward, I would like to continue to develop my skills in blogging as this will help continue to develop my critical gaze of the urban design and architectural world, along with my personal reflections, to ensure continued professional and personal development.