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Strategies for building a livable city

As urbanization continues, more and more people are moving into cities to live and pursue a better quality of life, which means that cities need to have stronger public service capacity as well as resource and environmental carrying capacity. In recent decades, the expansion of urban areas has outpaced the expansion of population Population growth and rapid urbanization pose several challenges to meeting the needs for housing, transportation infrastructure, and food and water security.[1]

Since 1996, when the concept of ‘liveable cities’ was introduced at the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, the expression has rapidly gained wide recognition among governments and academics.

It has now become a global consensus for urban development in the 21st century. At present, there is a consensus on the connotation and evaluation indexes of livable cities, including the following: social civilization, economic affluence, environmental beauty, resource carrying capacity, cheap living, and public safety. [2]

Liveable city planning should be guided by principles such as “sustainable urban development, people-oriented, harmony between people and nature, respect for urban history and culture, and emphasis on innovation and inclusion” in order to realize the ultimate goal of continuously improving the quality of life for city residents.

People-oriented, harmony between people and nature, respect for urban history and culture, innovation, and inclusivity are the fundamental ideals of sustainable urban development.

Promoting the harmonious coexistence of people and nature

Harmony between people and nature is the foundation of the urban ecosystem’s ordered and positive cycle. [3]

Emphasise the spirit of innovation and tolerance in the city

In order to make cities more vibrant and livable, it is critical to create a development environment that is conducive to the formation of new industries, the production of scientific and technological advancements, and the cultivation of innovative talents. Additionally, it is important to provide a development platform for the formation of new industries, the breeding of new service models, the emergence of new lifestyles, and the emergence of new innovative subjects.

Building a sustainable urban economic and environmental system

The sustainable growth of cities requires that economic activities take care to protect local ecosystems from harm while also establishing modes of production and consumption that are good for the city as a whole. The economy should be regulated to reduce its harmful effects on the environment, and people should be encouraged to live more frugally and healthily.


[1] Kalantari, Z., Ferreira, C.S.S., Page, J., Goldenberg, R., Olsson, J., Destouni, G., 2019. Meeting sustainable development challenges in growing cities: coupled social ecological systems modeling of land use and water changes. j. Environ. Manag. 249, 471 (-480.

[2] Zhang Yinghang.” Aesthetic concept and practical path for the construction of livable urban ecological environment.” National Governance .22(2022):53-57. doi:10.16619/j.cnki.cn10-1264/d.2022.22.003.

[3] Zhang Wenzhong.” A core framework for livable city construction.” Geographical Studies 35.02 (2016): 205-213.

One response to “Strategies for building a livable city”

  1. I agree with shulei’s understanding of a liveable city, such as promoting the harmonious coexistence of people and nature and building sustainable urban economic and environmental systems, and constructing compact, intensive, convenient and safe urban spaces through scientific planning and design. The ability to build and optimise urban public space, provide suitable green spaces and parks, and improve the urban living environment.
    To this, I would like to add my understanding of liveable cities, where building strategies should include the promotion of sustainable urban development. For example, exploring the impact of green buildings on occupant well-being should perhaps take an occupant-oriented perspective in order to maximise the potential benefits of green buildings, including improving indoor air quality and reducing noise pollution (Fu et al., 2021). Attention could also be paid to the importance of locally culturally and historically significant buildings (Konbul & Yanalak, 2022), which could be preserved and culturally innovated to enhance the cultural softness and attractiveness of the city and strengthen urban community cohesion and cultural confidence.

    Fu, Y. Wang, H. Sun, W. Zhang, X. A new dimension of green building: transforming green into occupant well-being. Buildings 2021 , 11 , 534.

    Konbul, Y.; Yanalak, M. A Technical Proposal for the Implementation of Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) on Preserved Historic Buildings in Turkey. Buildings 2022, 12, 778.

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  1. I agree with shulei’s understanding of a liveable city, such as promoting the harmonious coexistence of people and nature and building sustainable urban economic and environmental systems, and constructing compact, intensive, convenient and safe urban spaces through scientific planning and design. The ability to build and optimise urban public space, provide suitable green spaces and parks, and improve the urban living environment.
    To this, I would like to add my understanding of liveable cities, where building strategies should include the promotion of sustainable urban development. For example, exploring the impact of green buildings on occupant well-being should perhaps take an occupant-oriented perspective in order to maximise the potential benefits of green buildings, including improving indoor air quality and reducing noise pollution (Fu et al., 2021). Attention could also be paid to the importance of locally culturally and historically significant buildings (Konbul & Yanalak, 2022), which could be preserved and culturally innovated to enhance the cultural softness and attractiveness of the city and strengthen urban community cohesion and cultural confidence.

    Fu, Y. Wang, H. Sun, W. Zhang, X. A new dimension of green building: transforming green into occupant well-being. Buildings 2021 , 11 , 534.

    Konbul, Y.; Yanalak, M. A Technical Proposal for the Implementation of Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) on Preserved Historic Buildings in Turkey. Buildings 2022, 12, 778.


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Planning and Landscape
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