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Net Zero Energy Cities by 2030: An Initiative by European Union


Taking about net zero energy efficient buildings or cities, the first thing that came to mind is solar panels. However, this term has a lot wider spectrum of practices and implementations. For beginning this discussion, NZEC is a city that functions sustainably, which means it generated its energy with zero carbon emissions.

The energy level should either meet the requirement of the city or can exceeds that limit. This helps the city to overcome the different types of pollution which mainly includes air pollution, noise pollution, and water pollution. This eventually leads the residents of that city to live an extended healthy lifestyle. This will also contribute to the city’s economic growth, as they are producing energy, so they didn’t require external resources. Also, if the production of energy exceeds the requirement of the city, they can sell the energy in exchange for some other economic benefits.  It might seem an easy task to achieve, but in reality, there are many layers to achieving this goal.

Role of an Urban Designer:

As a designer, before being completely dependent on the technical resources of generation and saving energy, like solar panels and energy generation plants, we should think about the ideas of how we design a city or make a special space that can help the resident to use less energy-consuming resources. However, being completely dependent on planning is not enough to achieve the 100% goal of a net zero energy city we need advanced technological support.

Cities are made from the region followed by neighborhoods and buildings. In my opinion, to think on a bigger scale we should start thinking critically from a small scale. To make a building sustainable and NZEB, a designer should execute the process with a completely sustainable approach. This means we need to incorporate embodied emissions and operational emissions [1]. Embodied emission focuses on less carbon emission during construction. This also includes the maintenance, transportation, and end-life disposal of a building. While operational emission looks after the services of the building which mainly include heating and cooling of the building.

Foundations for a future net zero city? - British Geological Survey

Figure-1, the image shows the possible notions and future foundation of Net Zero Energy Efficient Cities.

Role of the EU:

Europe has taken an initiative to transform around 260 cities into Net Zero Energy Cities by the end of 2030. This list also named 8 cities from the UK, which include, Birmingham, Bristo, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Lancaster, Leeds, Manchester, and Newcastle [2]. Under certain big programs and policies, the EU is planning to cut down the energy level by 55% by 2030 and by 2050, climate neutrality. The concept of NZEC will help Europe to achieve climate neutrality [3].

Home - NetZeroCities

Figure- 2, Official poster for NZEC released by European Union


[1]., an article on “How to determine your city’s net zero carbon buildings strategy”.



[4]. Prieto, C. (n.d.). Home.

[5]. Climate-KIC. (n.d.). NetZeroCities: the new project leading European cities’ transition to net-zero emissions by 2030.

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One response to “Net Zero Energy Cities by 2030: An Initiative by European Union”

  1. Comment1 about urban carbon emissions

    Net Zero Energy Cities by 2030 – a well-executed planning
    The EU initiative to transform cities into net zero energy cities by 2030 is a very promising planning strategy and is to be commended. It recognises that a fully net zero energy city is unrealistic given current technological and resource constraints, and that there are numerous difficulties that stand in the way.
    1. The technical challenges of the energy network: we need a more efficient urban energy distribution system to ensure that people have access to basic services such as heating and electricity.
    2. Social and political challenges. Achieving a net zero energy city requires a huge investment of human and financial resources.
    3. Economic challenges, the country needs to develop and the economy needs to grow. Achieving net zero energy cities will require significant financial investment, including the retrofitting of buildings and facilities, the development and deployment of energy technologies, and the construction and maintenance of energy infrastructure. And these investments will come with economic pain.
    More than 230 local authorities in the UK have declared a state of climate emergency and subsequently implemented climate action strategies to help mitigate and adapt to climate change. However, today’s cities are not necessarily a useful benchmark for dealing with climate stress: a radical rethink of the public sphere is needed if we are to meet our climate and sustainable development goals [1].

    sustainable use of underground space

    By promoting functional places that absorb carbon emissions, such as green and thriving communities, eco-arboretums and vertical greening in urban design. For buildings, the adoption of more efficient building and urban design techniques, the promotion of renewable energy and more efficient use of energy can significantly reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption in cities to near zero or a balance between carbon emissions and absorption. All of this is worthwhile in my view. This EU initiative is a step towards the long-term goal of climate neutrality. The initiative is also not limited to the EU but has global implications [2]. It involves a combination of sustainable urban design, support for advanced technologies and energy-efficient building practices. It aims to reduce carbon emissions, improve residents’ quality of life and promote economic growth by reducing dependence on external resources. It has a positive impact on the environment, the economy and the quality of life of its inhabitants.

    At the Heart of Achieving Net Zero Emissions

    Green and Prosperous Communities
    Green and thriving communities are an effective way to offset urban carbon emissions while addressing the pressing issue of climate change. Green and Thriving Communities will minimise emissions throughout the lifecycle of development through planning, design and operation. Green and Thriving Communities will achieve this by meeting the needs of residents, workers and visitors, and by providing a high-quality and resilient environment in which communities can thrive. It is necessary to solve the community’s emissions problem and improve the community’s quality of life. A holistic approach to building a green and thriving community [3]. Green and thriving communities will be ideal places for residents, workers and visitors, supported by a green business ecosystem. It will deliver significant emissions reductions in practice and be a leader for other communities to follow.

    Green Smart City Development Guide

    Achieving net zero energy cities in the future is a very challenging goal and one that we must pursue in order to combat global climate change. I believe that if all parties – government, private industry and the public – work together and take the necessary measures, we can achieve this goal. This will bring additional health, economic and environmental benefits to our cities and our society. The ultimate goal is to achieve near-zero energy consumption and carbon emissions.

    [1]Press, B. (2021) Foundations for a future net zero city?, British Geological Survey. Available at: (Accessed: 14 May 2023).
    [2](No date a) C40 Knowledge Community. Available at: (Accessed: 14 May 2023).
    [3](No date a) European Innovation Scoreboard 2022. Available at: (Accessed: 14 May 2023).

    Image references:

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  1. Comment1 about urban carbon emissions

    Net Zero Energy Cities by 2030 – a well-executed planning
    The EU initiative to transform cities into net zero energy cities by 2030 is a very promising planning strategy and is to be commended. It recognises that a fully net zero energy city is unrealistic given current technological and resource constraints, and that there are numerous difficulties that stand in the way.
    1. The technical challenges of the energy network: we need a more efficient urban energy distribution system to ensure that people have access to basic services such as heating and electricity.
    2. Social and political challenges. Achieving a net zero energy city requires a huge investment of human and financial resources.
    3. Economic challenges, the country needs to develop and the economy needs to grow. Achieving net zero energy cities will require significant financial investment, including the retrofitting of buildings and facilities, the development and deployment of energy technologies, and the construction and maintenance of energy infrastructure. And these investments will come with economic pain.
    More than 230 local authorities in the UK have declared a state of climate emergency and subsequently implemented climate action strategies to help mitigate and adapt to climate change. However, today’s cities are not necessarily a useful benchmark for dealing with climate stress: a radical rethink of the public sphere is needed if we are to meet our climate and sustainable development goals [1].

    sustainable use of underground space

    By promoting functional places that absorb carbon emissions, such as green and thriving communities, eco-arboretums and vertical greening in urban design. For buildings, the adoption of more efficient building and urban design techniques, the promotion of renewable energy and more efficient use of energy can significantly reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption in cities to near zero or a balance between carbon emissions and absorption. All of this is worthwhile in my view. This EU initiative is a step towards the long-term goal of climate neutrality. The initiative is also not limited to the EU but has global implications [2]. It involves a combination of sustainable urban design, support for advanced technologies and energy-efficient building practices. It aims to reduce carbon emissions, improve residents’ quality of life and promote economic growth by reducing dependence on external resources. It has a positive impact on the environment, the economy and the quality of life of its inhabitants.

    At the Heart of Achieving Net Zero Emissions

    Green and Prosperous Communities
    Green and thriving communities are an effective way to offset urban carbon emissions while addressing the pressing issue of climate change. Green and Thriving Communities will minimise emissions throughout the lifecycle of development through planning, design and operation. Green and Thriving Communities will achieve this by meeting the needs of residents, workers and visitors, and by providing a high-quality and resilient environment in which communities can thrive. It is necessary to solve the community’s emissions problem and improve the community’s quality of life. A holistic approach to building a green and thriving community [3]. Green and thriving communities will be ideal places for residents, workers and visitors, supported by a green business ecosystem. It will deliver significant emissions reductions in practice and be a leader for other communities to follow.

    Green Smart City Development Guide

    Achieving net zero energy cities in the future is a very challenging goal and one that we must pursue in order to combat global climate change. I believe that if all parties – government, private industry and the public – work together and take the necessary measures, we can achieve this goal. This will bring additional health, economic and environmental benefits to our cities and our society. The ultimate goal is to achieve near-zero energy consumption and carbon emissions.

    [1]Press, B. (2021) Foundations for a future net zero city?, British Geological Survey. Available at: (Accessed: 14 May 2023).
    [2](No date a) C40 Knowledge Community. Available at: (Accessed: 14 May 2023).
    [3](No date a) European Innovation Scoreboard 2022. Available at: (Accessed: 14 May 2023).

    Image references:


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Planning and Landscape
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tyne and Wear, NE1 7RU

Telephone: 0191 208 6509
