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Reflecting on My Blogging Journey

I started my blogging journey in September of last year. I had never thought about creating my own blogs and making them publicly available, but I was excited to give it a shot. My writing abilities have been a weakness for me ever since I began learning English in 2014. I’ve worked diligently over the past two years to enhance my English writing abilities in order to make my ideas in my work more thorough and clear. The chance to put these skills to use in this module was ideal.

The module’s weekly lectures covering different themes and its structured format were both incredibly helpful. I had the chance to interact with a wide variety of guest lecturers and very smart people from diverse fields of expertise. Each lecturer had a distinctive presentation style and offered illuminating information on the subjects under discussion. I found the lectures to be interesting because I could use some of the ideas presented in my own design studio work. This helped me to broaden my understanding of urban design and narrow my personal interests, which I later wrote my first two blogs about.

However, I felt really lost and overwhelmed when it came to blogging and the management of internet publishing. I regrettably missed one of the early lectures where the due dates for blog postings were determined, thus, I was uninformed of the requirements and the spreadsheet. I still don’t know how to locate it on Canvas, and I was only able to access it with the help of my fellow students, who graciously shared it in our group chat. I wasn’t satisfied with the clarity of information provided and would have appreciated more support.

I still enjoyed writing, despite the initial difficulties. I focused on two areas that I am really passionate about and aim to make a career out of: sustainable transportation and green infrastructure. I was able to use the knowledge I picked up on the job as well as carry out additional research to enhance my understanding after working for a year in the transport planning sector. While it was challenging for me to stay within the word count, I did my best to keep the writing flowing and to include all the important details I intended to convey. If I had had more words to work with, I believe I could have gone into more detail. I am generally happy with the job I created andlook forward to producing more blogs next semester. 

We were required to blog as well as provide comments on our classmates’ blogs. This gave us the chance to exercise critical thinking and offer insightful criticism on the work of our colleagues. The variety of techniques and issues selected fascinated me, which made the commenting process interesting.

To sum up, I can say that this module was unlike anything I have ever done in my years of schooling. Blogging, in my opinion, is a fantastic approach to develop one’s writing abilities. It felt more inclusive and meaningful than regular lectures because pieces were written based on certain courses. Although, I must admit that if the organisation and communication was a little better, it would have made my experience much smoother.

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School of Architecture
Planning and Landscape
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tyne and Wear, NE1 7RU

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