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Reflection and Summary

One of the key topics of this semester is an in-depth study of the principles and applications of urban design. We studied the Ouseburn area, integrating the existing environment and preserving the essence of the area gave me a deep understanding of the importance of principles and methodological research in a successful urban design project. This knowledge will play an active role in promoting my future urban design projects.

The Gateshead area project brought us closer to the riverside site. The waterfront area is a very attractive advantage, allowing us to create a harmonious relationship between the built environment and the natural environment. Factors such as flood resistance, mixed-habitation conditions, urban policy and sustainability need to be carefully considered.

During this semester, my main focus is on urban design, with a special focus on specific topics such as public space design and urban planning.

Without a doubt, the most exciting experience of this semester was our study tour to Cambridge. Visiting this well-known public space project gave us more inspiration for future design. We also had the opportunity to communicate with the designers involved in the project, understand their design ideas, and improve our communication skills. This gives us the confidence to directly address and solve real problems.

Conclusion: Throughout the semester, I have been busy with various stages of study and research. Conducting dissertation research, submitting coursework. Finding a balance between homework and blogging has taught me how to manage my time and stay organized with deadlines. The blog has provided me with a platform to reflect on my experiences in a structured and introspective way. As I document my thoughts and observations, I find myself delving deeper into the nuances of each project, considering different perspectives, and critically analyzing my design choices. Writing about my experiences allowed me to step back, gain clarity, and develop a more holistic understanding of the building process. In terms of personal growth, this semester I have been constantly reshaping and reflecting on my public space design modules and urban planning concepts, which have given me new insights, broadened my horizons, and gained a deeper understanding of urban design.

Overall, this semester has brought me life-changing experiences and knowledge. From researching urban design principles and public space design, to blogging and visiting and learning, this has not only fueled my educational growth, but also fueled my passion in the field of design. Finally, I would like to thank all the professors and guest lecturers who gave valuable suggestions on my design and guided me towards better.

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School of Architecture
Planning and Landscape
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tyne and Wear, NE1 7RU

Telephone: 0191 208 6509
