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Reflective Summary on Semester 1

Reflective Summary

The semester 1 blog module, for me, was an interesting journey that enabled my exploration of new and intriguing matters within urban design as well as, encouraging me to recognise the value of the community of unique voices around me. The highly self-led aspect meant we had to work co-dependently to ensure a successful and consistent outcome.

Navigating through self-directed meetings meant that there was mixed guidance which at times created confusion and required continual adjusting, but generally, the outcome was successful. We were able to form a relatively consistent flow of blog content which then triggered enlightening conversations. One area for improvement could be creating more structured discussions or prompts to encourage deeper engagement among peers. Maybe clearer guidelines or examples on blog content diversity might further enrich the collective learning experience.

While initially challenging, maintaining regular posts became second nature. began to really recognise the importance of this consistency to keep up the spirit of the urban design blog. It has certainly been a useful tool in improving not only my writing skills, but my dedication to a schedule as well.

Engaging with my peers’ blogs was a highlight. The range of topics sparked interesting discussions, both broadening my perspectives and serving as a catalyst for deeper explorations, which I may not have done otherwise. I actually found the reflective commentary aspects more enriching than crafting my own blogs as they encouraged an exchange of ideas and avenues for further research.

As the semester progressed, the blog experience unfolded as a multifaceted learning tool. It expanded my knowledge and undestanding of the world of urban design, encouraging introspection and refining my approach to design thinking. Exploring niche topics, drawn from the broader lecture topics, I developed a diverse awareness of urban spaces, both as a user and a designer. The lecture series acted as a catalyst, triggering my initial thoughts that I then channeled into specific blog themes.

My approach typically involved immersing in lecture content, selecting an aspect that intrigued me, then brainstorming, researching, and aligning newfound knowledge with my personal views. Foresight was also imporant. I always aimed to reflect not just the present but also future implications on urban design, often advocating for flexible design approaches.

In reflection, I have discovered that this blog module was effectively, an embodiment of community dialogue and engagement, mirroring the very essence of urban design itself – community participation. It was a useful platform to exchange ideas, crucial for real-world urban design endeavors.

Overall, semester 1’s blog journey was enlightening, offering a mix of self-discovery, collaborative learning, and a deeper awareness of urban design’s intricacies. Looking ahead, I aim to refine my approach and foster a more critical perspective when writing my blogs.

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School of Architecture
Planning and Landscape
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tyne and Wear, NE1 7RU

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