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Sustainable Transport and the Climate Change

On October 27th, we had a lecture about sustainable transportation with guest lecturer Alan Wann. This topic has piqued my interest because I consider myself an environmentalist. Climate change and the associated Global Warming have become a major issue for all of humanity.

Temperature change diagram. http://httpsen.wikipedia.orgwikiClimate_change

CO2  Emissions diagrams.

Unfortunately, some people are unaware of its scope and the danger that it poses to all of us. I believe that one of the needs that must be met in order for our children to have a future is a global transition to eco-friendly modes of transportation. In that lecture, we discussed what sustainable transportation actually means, what a sustainable transportation system would look like, how existing transportation systems can become more sustainable, and what the main modes of transportation/travel are.
One of the facts that irritated me was that in England, people prefer to walk when the distance to be covered is less than one mile.Sourced from TCP8090 lecture slides provided by Alan Wann.


Cycling is an even less common mode of transportation. Cycling trips account for only 2% of all trips in England and last an average of 23 minutes. In comparison, only 4% of people in England cycle every day, whereas 43% in the Netherlands.
Sourced from TCP-8090 lecture slides provided by Alan Wann.


According to our lecturer, the Netherlands has such a well-developed cycling infrastructure because of a massive movement of angry parents who demanded safe cycling roads because their children were frequently involved in road accidents. I find it extremely sad that so many people must suffer in order to achieve safe and well-developed cycling routes. Of course, cities in the Netherlands are more compact, making cycling more convenient and thus more popular, but many European cities are compact as well, especially when compared to those in the United States, Asia, or Russia. Perhaps these facts should serve as a wake-up call to all urban planners to take action right away.
Buses account for 59% of all public transportation journeys in the United Kingdom. However, bus use has declined in recent years for a variety of reasons, one of which is car ownership. Buses are widely regarded as a sustainable mode of transportation because they transport a large number of people. Nonetheless, almost the entire bus sector (about 40 000 buses) is still diesel-powered.
Sourced from TCP-8090 lecture slides provided by Alan Wann.


For instance, in my home country of Moldova, where there is no possibility of building a metro network due to underground tunnels and catacombs stretching beneath the entire city, people primarily use trolleybuses rather than buses for public transportation. I believe it could be an excellent replacement for diesel buses.
During the lecture, we were shown some very impressive diagrams depicting global fuel consumption. To be honest, I was astounded by some indicators of how unconcerned people in some countries are about the environment.
Both slides are sourced from TCP8090 lecture slides provided by Alan Wann.


I’ve always thought that there are too many cars in America, but I never imagined there are so many. I lived in Texas for a while and have visited Houston several times, so I understand why. To begin with, because the majority of American cities are spread out, everything is located at great distances from each other, and the automobile is at the top of the hierarchy in urban planning, living without a private car is extremely inconvenient. Secondly, gasoline is cheaper there for people, so Americans are less likely than Europeans to consider ways to save money on gasoline. Thirdly, because governments do not promote a healthy environment, there are people who are unaware that they are in danger. Fourthly, there’s the oppressive heat. When you consider that everything in America is at a great distance from each other and that this distance requires walking at 40 degrees Celsius, it becomes clear why people do not want to walk. Obviously, the last argument does not apply to every American city, but in hot cities like Houston or Dallas, it remains one of the main factors that increases the percentage of car owners.
As you can see, there are cities around the world that are completely unsuitable for pedestrians and cyclists, and I believe that major changes should be implemented in such cities. However, we must not lose sight of the fact that we must continue to intensively develop the environment for eco-friendly modes of transportation where we live and do everything possible to prevent Global Warming. Only by working together can we save the planet.

Sourced from TCP8090 lecture slides provided by Alan Wann.

Sourced from TCP8090 lecture slides provided by Alan Wann.




One response to “Sustainable Transport and the Climate Change”

  1. Your blog highlights the most relevant topic of today’s time. The modern traffic planning system is car-oriented whereas the other modes of transportation are side-lined. Vehicular Traffic has become an alarming factor in causing air and noise pollution in major cities of the world. In India, with cars being easily accessible, people find it very convenient to use this as primary means of transit. With the advent of the IT Sector in my home town Bangalore, the inhabitants of the city find it convenient to use taxis and private cars for transportation. The State government of Karnataka has been actively putting efforts to make public transportation accessible and time efficient. Bangalore Metro being time efficient and affordable connects to various parts of the city making it a friendly transit alternative to private taxis. Electric buses have been implemented as part of public transport infrastructure.
    All metropolitan cities faced the brunt in the name of development. Cities like Delhi had to brace for the consequences of air pollution and were forced to implement the odd-even rule to ease the usage of private vehicles. Asian countries like India must take inspiration from European countries to use sustainable means of transportation such as cycling, walking, etc.
    E- Vehicles have become popular modes of sustainable transportation. Electric bikes are suitable to medium distance transportation however the materials used for batteries are not recyclable. Electric scooters issue less CO2 than cars, but more than public transport does. Hydrogen vehicles are a new mode of transport promoted by cities, especially for buses. They must be equipped with fuel batteries which allow hydrogen to meet Oxygen and create electricity. The vehicle therefore only emits water. Carpooling is one of the easier ways to cut down the usage of private vehicles. The references that are being highlighted in the blog are quite accurate and talk about the possible solutions to modern transit-oriented development. However, I believe the policy makers hold a larger stake in this matter.

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  1. Your blog highlights the most relevant topic of today’s time. The modern traffic planning system is car-oriented whereas the other modes of transportation are side-lined. Vehicular Traffic has become an alarming factor in causing air and noise pollution in major cities of the world. In India, with cars being easily accessible, people find it very convenient to use this as primary means of transit. With the advent of the IT Sector in my home town Bangalore, the inhabitants of the city find it convenient to use taxis and private cars for transportation. The State government of Karnataka has been actively putting efforts to make public transportation accessible and time efficient. Bangalore Metro being time efficient and affordable connects to various parts of the city making it a friendly transit alternative to private taxis. Electric buses have been implemented as part of public transport infrastructure.
    All metropolitan cities faced the brunt in the name of development. Cities like Delhi had to brace for the consequences of air pollution and were forced to implement the odd-even rule to ease the usage of private vehicles. Asian countries like India must take inspiration from European countries to use sustainable means of transportation such as cycling, walking, etc.
    E- Vehicles have become popular modes of sustainable transportation. Electric bikes are suitable to medium distance transportation however the materials used for batteries are not recyclable. Electric scooters issue less CO2 than cars, but more than public transport does. Hydrogen vehicles are a new mode of transport promoted by cities, especially for buses. They must be equipped with fuel batteries which allow hydrogen to meet Oxygen and create electricity. The vehicle therefore only emits water. Carpooling is one of the easier ways to cut down the usage of private vehicles. The references that are being highlighted in the blog are quite accurate and talk about the possible solutions to modern transit-oriented development. However, I believe the policy makers hold a larger stake in this matter.


School of Architecture
Planning and Landscape
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tyne and Wear, NE1 7RU

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