We live in an age where owning smartphones, computers, assistants (we all are familiar with Alexa and Siri), and smart equipment and homes are more indicative of being smart than intelligence and talent. The advancement of technology has overshadowed the parameters of living as SMART CITIES are the next big thing we are racing towards. Read the full article…
On October 27th, we had a lecture about sustainable transportation with guest lecturer Alan Wann. This topic has piqued my interest because I consider myself an environmentalist. Climate change and the associated Global Warming have become a major issue for all of humanity. Temperature change diagram. http://httpsen.wikipedia.orgwikiClimate_change CO2 Emissions diagrams.https://transportgeography.org/contents/chapter4/transportation-and-environment/ Unfortunately, some people are unaware Read the full article…
Published 21 February 2022 by Quitterie d’Harcourt In connection to my previous blog on cars and their contribution to the obesity epidemic, I thought we could investigate the significance of urban food deserts which are prevalent in the USA but also present in numerous other countries around the world. When examining dietary trends in communities, Read the full article…
In this short article, let us discuss how sustainable movement is critically needed in the 21st century. First, we need to understand the importance of sustainable transportation. Human development carried from the past century has left us with huge concerns with environmental issues. Therefore, we need to look at cities and neighbourhoods as a tightly Read the full article…
Published 28 November 2021 by Quitterie d’Harcourt “If in 2015 we had parked all the passenger cars in circulation in a single line, one after the other, the line would have covered approximately 11 times the distance between the Moon and the Earth, or 106 times the circumference of the Earth.” (Bobisse & Pavia, 2019, Read the full article…
A Nation of Luddites: Active Travel as a UK Crises Solution We are experiencing the aftermath of the modernist era. The complex, concrete networks we call roads comprise the cities we experience today. Cities were built around automobiles. The urban thread is therefore largely disconnected from human form, scale and need. The craze Read the full article…
Published 29 October 2021 by Quitterie d’Harcourt The problematic pollution levels in Paris are a matter that is commonly mentioned. Every year, pollution levels reach hazardous levels, necessitating action, particularly in transportation. According to studies, air pollution kills between 48,000 and 67,000 people prematurely in France each year (Blondeau, 2019, pp.68). Air pollution has thus Read the full article…