The impact of the industrial revolution on the architecture

Background Since the Enlightenment, influenced by the changes in ideas on science and technology and the rise of capitalism, the Industrial Revolution has become the greatest technological boom in human history. And it will have a huge impact on future generations in economics, politics, science and technology. However, these influences also affect architecture. The introduction Read the full article…

Reflective Summary

Journey The weekly classes are very interesting and allow me to remind myself how many interesting angles of thinking there are beyond the research directions I focus on. The weekly sharing class also gave me the idea of attending public lectures at Northumbria University outside of school, which gave me more opportunities to be exposed Read the full article…

Ice Breaker

Background I graduated from INTO Newcastle University and studied architectural design before my Master’s Program. For me, the urban design profession involves the recognition and understanding of larger-scale spaces. While balancing with architectural details, it requires more consideration of the organizational and spatial relationships between sites and cities. What does this major mean to me? Read the full article…

Construction on industrial abandoned land

Ecological restoration of the site Prologue The impact of construction on industrially contaminated land probably first came into public view with the Love Canal incident. In the late 1950s, construction began on a residential area adjacent to the Love Canal Landfill. Ecological Restoration Conceptual Illustration of phytoremediation at WBPS, (Sooprayen. V, 2017). History  The idea Read the full article…

Reflective Summary: My Blog-Writing Journey

Figure 1 – Illustration of Writing a Blog Learning Urban Design Urban design has been a completely new subject for me, as for years I learned about architecture in general in my undergraduate course—I got a bachelor’s degree in architecture. I used to deal with designs in small scale without having much focus on the Read the full article…

Ice Breaker – Vaneti Lativa

Studying urban design is a deeply personal journey for me, derived from my fascination in the built environment and how to contribute meaningfully to the design of the city itself. These are my commitments on the program: Curiosity and Observation From a young age, I have been captivated by the architecture of the cities around Read the full article…

Reflective Summary

I have enjoyed the range of relevant topics covered by the lecture and blog series this semester and I think the regularity of the blog posts helped to keep us constantly engaged with the subject matter. In addition to that, writing a blog roughly every two weeks has taken the pressure off the deadline in Read the full article…

Healthy Neighbourhoods: Benefits of a Walkable City

Introduction: This week’s theme for the blog is healthy neighbourhoods. I will be exploring the benefits of a walkable city. Through the encouragement of walking via awareness campaigns and by providing direct, easily-navigable, pleasant and safe pedestrian routes, the benefits for both people and the environment are boundless. Safe City: Inviting walking in cities brings Read the full article…

Reflective Summary—— A new way of learning

First Contact After entering the urban design major, I came into contact with the blog production course for the first time. I had never taken a similar course before, and I only published some personal blogs as a hobby. Studying this course is a novel experience for me. I gained a lot of knowledge by Read the full article…