Introduction In a world where urbanisation is rapidly changing the way we live, the concept of child-friendly urban design has become increasingly significant. Child-friendly urban design is an approach to city planning and design that considers the needs of children and their families. It aims to create cities and neighbourhoods where children can safely and Read the full article…

Child-Friendly Urban Design

Nature of Children Kids are born to play. Their learning process is through experience, experimenting and imitation. Those types of learning require all senses like vision, audition, olfaction, gustation and tactile perception. In order to allow the children to learn, they need to be exposed to the outside environment and play with their friends. As Read the full article…

Sustainable Transport: Is High-speed Rail Sustainable?

Introduction A Deep Dive into High-Speed Rail This blog aims to dissect the notion of high-speed rail being labelled as ‘sustainable’. We will critically examine schemes such as High Speed 2 (HS2) as a case study and extend our discussion to countries like Japan and France. The objective is to scrutinise whether high-speed rail truly Read the full article…

Sustainable Transport:benefical method for global environment

Sustainable transport is about picking travel methods that are good for the environment and society. We examine vehicle types, energy sources, and the design of roads and railways. Additionally, we consider how transport operates, the planning involved, and the development of areas around it. The main goal is to make transport effective, efficient, and environmentally Read the full article…

Ice Breaker: Designated for Human

I was born during the late 20th Century, a peak period of modernism in a developing country. I have witnessed the revolution of urbanism in a main city. People migrate from the village to the city looking for job opportunities mostly in factory work. The industry of the country shifted from agriculture to manufacturing (Abdur Read the full article…


electric car

Definition Sustainable transport came into use as a logical follow-on from sustainable development, and is used to describe modes of transport, and systems of transport planning, which are consistent with wider concerns of sustainability. European Union Council of Ministers of Transport, defines a sustainable transportation system as one that: Allows the basic access and development needs of individuals, Read the full article…

The nature of sustainable transport

Definition With the development of society and the growth of population, the traffic problem has become one of the important challenges faced by modern cities.As an environmentally friendly, efficient and convenient mode of transportation, sustainable transportation has attracted more and more attention and favor. Through learning and practicing the concept of sustainable transportation, people begin Read the full article…

Ice Breaker: The Big and the Little

Fig 1: Battersea, Ravencroft, October 05, 2023 Introduction My blog will discuss role and impact of urban designers on how we live and interact in our urban spaces. It also examines the concept and of top-down development, which is a type of development that does not involve or benefit the local communities. Urban Designers have Read the full article…
