The technique of repurposing a building or structure while maintaining its historical or cultural relevance is known in architecture as “adaptive reuse.” A sustainable method of building design involves using existing buildings as opposed to tearing them down and creating new ones. Adaptive reuse projects might include anything from converting old factories and warehouses into Read the full article…

Social inequalities and Urban design

Many debates have taken place over the years about what causes a city to be socially unequal. Economic causes, lack of public health services, lack of opportunities as a result of the city’s unrestrained suburbanization (Frenkel and Israel, 2018), lack of transportation access, local housing regulations, lack of educational opportunities, and so on. How does Read the full article…

Street Furniture in Housing

Street furniture is an integral part of establishing a friendly and living neighborhood for inhabitants in urban design homes. Benches, tables, and seating places that are strategically arranged can create a handy and comfortable place for people to gather and socialize. Planters, green spaces, and other ornamental features can assist create an attractive environment and Read the full article…

Underwater farming as a potential part of future planning.

Underwater farming is a relatively fresh concept that has gained attention in recent years as an alternative to preventing deforestation. This innovative approach involves growing crops underwater in specific structures known as “underwater farms”, which could have a wide range of environmental and community benefits. Figure 1: Nemo’s Garden Project side view. ( One of Read the full article…

Creating Green Space Sustainability through Low-Budget and Up-cycling Strategies

Introduction: As urban areas continue to expand and populations grow, the need for green spaces within cities becomes increasingly important. Green spaces offer numerous benefits, from improved air quality to providing a place for people to connect with nature. However, creating and maintaining these spaces can be expensive and require significant resources. Fortunately, there are Read the full article…

Biophilic Design in Combating Urban Biodiversity Decrease.

Many plant and animal species are battling to survive as cities continue to grow and urbanisation deepens. Biophilic design, on the other hand, can serve to enhance biodiversity and improve the ecological health of metropolitan places. Biophilic design is a method of incorporating natural components and processes into constructed settings in architecture and urban design. Read the full article…

Urban Adaptability

The urban environment is constantly changing, and as cities grow and evolve, they must adapt to the changing needs of their inhabitants. Urban adaptability refers to a city’s ability to respond and adjust to new challenges and opportunities. The concept is especially important in the face of the ongoing climate crisis, which poses new challenges Read the full article…

Cultural Heritage Protection and Urban Design

I travelled to Europe over the Easter break and visited towns with rich historical and cultural history, such as Rome, Florence, and Paris. I was inspired by the idea of a “urban museum” I had previously seen, therefore this essay will discuss urban design and cultural heritage preservation. With a growing level of theoretical understanding Read the full article…


Net zero energy cities are defined as the city where the total carbon-dioxide emission is balanced by its elimination, from the environment. Most countries across the world aim to reduce the emission and achieve net zero. As per the net zero cities, annually over 75% of co2 emissions are discharged from urban areas. Globally over Read the full article…

Sustainable Mobility

One of the major environmental challenges we face today is mobility. It is vital in framing connectivity amongst people. The demand for mobility is increasing rapidly due to urbanization, digitization, globalization, and demographic change. However, there is an urgent need to address climate change and the depletion of natural resources to ensure a sustainable and Read the full article…

Thinking about the environment: Part two:

In part one of this blog, we discussed what should planning authorities require in any development plan to ensure clean and efficient use of energy (macro level). In this part we will continue to do so by focusing on the building units (micor level). We will also consider other environmental considerations that are relevant to Read the full article…
