Reflective Summary: My semester personal blog summary

THOUGHTS In the first semester, my thoughts and reflections for the blog were mostly based on my personal experiences and limited knowledge. Although I studied Urban and Rural Planning in my undergrad, I still lack a lot of knowledge on cases and some theories. I rarely write long articles, especially about my own thoughts, and Read the full article…

Living by water: An Alternative approach to urban densification and affordability

floating house netherlands

With predicted figures in the event of migration to the urban space in future, an alternative way of addressing housing needs may not be satisfied only with limited land left for development (HSB, 2023). Therefore, the solution lies within the river basins linearly sprawling across the edge of many riverside city developments. Although, floating architecture Read the full article…

How is passive building practice in urban design? – 2

Passive house design

How do passive houses work? The Princedale Road project designed by Paul Davis and Partners, which is the first project in the UK to be certified as a fully passive house conversion (Bere, 2019). The design methodology of which the design methodology involves various aspects, including: 1 Insulation systems: in passive houses, the design focusing Read the full article…

Reflexive Summary – Further Study in Semester 2

Review During my first semester of study, I got my first in-depth exposure to a blogging course, which was both a challenge and a new area full of learning opportunities for me. In the past semester, I encountered some difficulties in making a blog, but I also gained a lot of experience and knowledge, which laid the foundation Read the full article…

Co-housing community: A modern lifestyle with opportunities and challenges

The rise of cohousing communities In modern urbanization, co-housing is a new form of living. It is attracting wide attention. Co-housing communities advocate shared resources and collective decision-making. They aim to improve residents’ lives through close community relations and efficient use of resources. However, we enjoy these advantages. But, we also need to soberly look Read the full article…

Reflective summary—- New experience in semester 2

Reflecting on Last Semester Compared to last semester, my mentality has changed a lot in writing blog in this semester. I am no longer a complete novice, and I have developed a new understanding in urban design which i studied. These changes have helped me easily express my ideas more clearly and confidently in my Read the full article…

How to activate communities around old railways

After centuries of development, numerous areas surrounding the railway lines have abandoned which cannot satisfy people’s requirements for a higher quality of life. Therefore, I chose three typical railway surrounding renovation cases to analyze how to activate communities around old railways. 1. The Driebergen-Zeist railway station renewal project The project was located in the Netherlands. Read the full article…