Reflective Summary: Journey so far

Journey so far As a creative person, we always try to broaden our mindset. Further down the professional road, the mind got stuck somewhere between the subjects we study. As an architect, we though we’re exploring so much about personal interests. Understanding the needs and habits of a person to design the best form of Read the full article…

Mental health importance in Urban cities

Mental health & Public spaces The link between open spaces and mental health has been well established, particularly, green spaces. Studies have shown that people experience less mental distress, less anxiety and depression, greater well-being and healthier cortisol levels (the hormone that controls mood) when living in urban areas with more green space compared with Read the full article…

Upon Reflection

First Impressions Urban design was something very new to me. The only experience I’ve had in relation to it was how to construct the things we design. So, coming into a module which further explores principles of urban design had me excited to learn. The apprehension only settled in after the first session where we Read the full article…

ICEBREAKER – Nightlife and Urban Design

Introduction I’ll begin by talking about how much I love cities at night—the street lighting, atmosphere, vibrant nightlife, and the peace in the middle of the hustle and bustle. I intend to talk about how urban planning and architecture play a major role in creating safer cities both during the day and after dark. One Read the full article…

Reflective overview

An innovative learning experience  Since this was my first attempt at writing a blog , I was both excited and nervous when I first discovered the blog course. In addition , I had no idea how to produce a captivating blog or post. I took my time gathering facts and structing the wording for my Read the full article…

5-star public spaces

In the realm of urban planning and community development, the pursuit of excellence has given rise to a rare breed of public spaces – the 5-star destinations that transcend functionality to become vibrant hubs of social, cultural, and recreational. These spaces serve as the beating heart of our communities, fostering connections, promoting well-being, and contributing Read the full article…

Why Urban Design Needs Economics

For successful urban design proposals, it is important to understand the factors that contribute outside of a good design. Economic viability is one aspect often gets overlooked. By using the economic assessment toolkit, this creates a better overall understanding of the project to maximise the chance of a successful proposal. Introduction One of urban design’s Read the full article…

Urban design & well-being

Health and Well- being . Building construction and its operation affects the health  and well- being of people in many ways. Green building practices and measures should be integrated into the design process to ensure the health and well-being of the occupants. fig 1 : Urban Health Heritage or History Historian Roy Porter wrote , Read the full article…

Reflective Summary— A New Learning Experience

First Impression When I first encountered the blog course, I was actually a bit worried because it was my first time trying to write a blog. And I didn’t know how to write an attractive title. I also didn’t pay attention to these details when browsing the internet. Growth When I wrote my first blog, Read the full article…


Why am I here? The process of choosing this major was quite sudden, it came about when I was working on my portfolio, I did my undergraduate degree in Wenzhou, China, and during that time I had a lot of courses that used Wenzhou as a model for his kind of landscape issues. In the Read the full article…
