Ice breaker First impressions of the course: My first impression of the course is that it suits my present personal circumstances and has content which matches a lot of my requirements in specific areas and parts I want to learn and develop further in Urban Design. The course is pitched at an academic level which Read the full article…
Ice Breaking_ILYEOB(c2039741) Opportunities and challenges of urban design in reflecting regional identity. If I am asked by someone what urban design, architecture are to me, I would say, “It is nostalgia”. Christian norberg-schulz said: “To dwell means to belong to a given place”. It is the architecture and urban design I am thinking of. Read the full article…

I travel, I enjoy in-depth exploration. Daily updates on breaking foreign news are something I wish to know about. I have always loved experimenting with form and shape since I was a small child. I quickly came to the realisation that understanding and studying architecture is my passion and what I enjoy doing the most. Read the full article…
“Architecture is not limited to just construction; it extends to human behaviour patterns.’’ I have always loved art and architecture equally because I have had empathy for urban life since I was a small child. I have always wanted to be an architect because I firmly believe that architecture and design can improve how people Read the full article…
What is the best way to begin? This was something that consumed my thoughts all day. Papers after papers, now sitting in front of my laptop searching for words to fill the white space, I realized that this is what I had been doing always, since becoming an architecture student and an architect. Filling the void. So here we go with the flow. Read the full article…
Coming from a STEM-focused engineering background, urban design initially felt completely different to what I was used to. Throughout my undergraduate degree, I mainly studied maths, sciences and programming within different engineering fields. I specialised in civil engineering, which featured investigating ground conditions, conducting site surveys, learning design codes and structural analysis. However, civil engineering Read the full article…
My background in urban design My undergraduate studies were in product design under the industrial design category, which requires us to create a design around a small product in terms of its appearance, function, experience, and so on. After graduation, I worked mainly in public art design. Such as public sculpture and urban furniture design, Read the full article…

BACKGROUD Over the past few centuries, most designers have failed to take children’s needs into consideration. But it is very necessary to build a child-friendly city, which plays a vital role in the healthy development of children. HOW TO ACHIEVE THIS Our cities need to have the following characteristics. Safety Reducing pollution, increasing green space Read the full article…
Published by Georgina Walker on 20 October 2023 I am in my final year at Newcastle University studying on the Master of Architecture course. The Urban Design modules were my chosen elective route as part optional specialism. During my urban design studies, I have enjoyed the importance the course places on theoretical reading. I Read the full article…

Benefits of Prioritizing Child-friendly Urban Design Definition: Nowadays, more and more cities are designed without considering the needs of different people, just like children who need more space for activities. Van Vliet and Karsten have said that ‘The Child-Friendly City (CFC) label means different things to different people, influenced by their professional interests’ (Van Vliet Read the full article…
The Need for Child-Friendly Urban Design Historians often point out that children in the medieval era had almost no childhood, as they were required to work from an early age. However, modern society has gradually shifted its focus towards the education and growth of children, leading to the establishment of the modern education system, including Read the full article…

Background of Child Friendly Urban Design In recent decades, we have experienced the rapid growth of cities. But low-quality urban public spaces deprive children of the opportunity to enjoy themselves in the city. In 1996, the United Nations Children’s Fund officially launched “Children’s Friendly Cities Initiative” (CFCI). In fact, there are many countries participating globally. At Read the full article…